Thursday, June 10, 2010

Steamed Lemon Chicken

This chicken did not have the warm reception from my family. There is a new addition to my family who is not shy of any food. Although it is only one other person sitting at the table (5 adults and 2 kids), I find myself cooking the double the amount. If the two dishes are popular there seem to be just enough for everyone. Thank goodness for the cereals in the cupboard. They are great for any time of the day, especially for substitute dinner (either from lack or bad cooking).

Mastering cooking has reached another level with the larger portion of dishes I have to prepare. Not only do I have to cook for longer, all the cooking utensils have to get bigger. This is a good time to re-think for anyone who is thinking of having a large family.

Coming back to the dish, the comment I received from the members of food critiques, was that the steamed lemon chicken was ‘too lemony’. It may just have to do with the fact that it was a lemon dish. Or, it could also have to do with the fact that the sizes of lemons I used were unusually large. In any case, it is what it is, a lemon chicken tangy on your palate. I suggest combining this dish with a blend green vegetable dish with a dash of soy sauce and oyster sauce.


  1. From memory, you need just a touch of sugar to balance out the sourness of the lemons, and there should be something that you can use to neutralise the tang, but I don't know it... (yeah, I'm not much use).

    I never really understood lemon chicken. Aside from my usual aversion to fruit in cooking, it just doesn't seem like a natural combo to me.

    Also: I'd die for your kitchen setup right now. I'm always finding my current (lack of) kit rather limiting. Maybe I should just come and cook for you guys at your place :-)

  2. you are welcome any time to use our kitchen as long as you don't mind few people hanging about you eagerly salivating...especially after your last cook up!
